Welcome to Construction Technology with Mr. Bui
If you have enrolled in my Construction Technology class. Please email me at sbui@mvrop.org and let me know if you are in my AM class, PM class or Kennedy block and I will give you the appropriate code to get into the Construction Tech Google classroom.
Instructor: Mr. Steve BuiLocation: Mission Valley ROP Center Campus, Room 602Contact Information:Phone: 510-657-1865 x15602Email: sbui@mvrop.orgClass Schedule 2024-2025 :
- 8:30 - 10:30 am - Construction Technology 1 & 2
10:40-12:00 noon (KHS Second Block) - Construction Technology 1 & 2
1:45 - 3:45 pm - Construction Technology 1 & 2
Industry Sector: Building and Construction Trades
- Students in Construction Technology 1 that earn a B- or better can earn college credits at Chabot College.
- MOU with Carpenters union for pre-apprenticeships after graduation from Construction Technology.

Course Syllabus:
Course Outline:
About Construction Technology 1 & 2:
Welcome to Construction Technology. My name is Mr. Bui and I am a Construction Instructor. I have been teaching Construction at MVROP for the past 12 years. It has been a pleasure working with students and helping them learn how to become established students in the industry work force. Students in my class are expected to act professionally and will be taught the fundamentals of residential construction. Students graduating from my program will be expected to know carpentry, residential electrical and plumbing. Within the past few years, I have been able to make agreements with local industry members to establish graduating students with apprenticeships and job placements directly out of high school. I am looking forward to a new year and getting students into prospective apprenticeships in the work force!
Let's have a great year!
College Credits Earned:
2023-2024: 9 Students earned 3.0 credits from Chabot College for ARCH 12: Construction Materials & Methods.