Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Marketing
Instructor: Mr. TepLocation:Irvington High School, Room 84American High School, Room 319Contact Information:Phone:IHS: 510-656-5711 x46584AHS:510-796-1776 x57319Email: ptep@mvrop.orgptep@fusdk12.net
- Period 1: Entrepreneurship
- Period 2: Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Marketing
- Period 4: Entrepreneurship
- Period 5: Entrepreneurial Marketing
- Period 6: Entrepreneurship
Industry Sector: Marketing, Sales, and Service
- Entrepreneurship students may earn college credits from Mission College
- 2023-2024 88 students earned college credits
UC/CSU A-G Courses: Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Marketing meets the Area g: College Preparatory Elective requirement.
Course Syllabus:
Entrepreneurial Marketing Syllabus 2024-2025
Tep 2024 2025 MVROP ENTREPRENEURIAL MARKETING SYLLABUS.pdf 83.39 KB (Last Modified on August 9, 2024)
Course Outline:
Certification available for students
In the 2023/2024 school year, students earned 115 certifications!!