Welcome to Computer Animation, Digital Imaging, and Game Design with Mr. Chase
Instructor: Mr. Dan ChaseLocation:Mission Valley ROP Center Campus, Room 102Irvington High School, Room 84Newark Memorial High School, Room 346Contact Information:Phone: 510-657-1865 x15102 or 510-656-5711 x46384Email: dchase@mvrop.org, dchase@fusdk12.net,Class Schedule 2024-2025:
- 8:30 - 10:30 am (ROP Center) - Computer Animation 1& 2
- IHS 3rd Period - Digital Imaging
- NMHS 4th Period-Photography
1:45 - 3:45 pm (ROP Center) - Game Design/Interactive Media Arts 1 & 2
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
UC/CSU A-G Courses: Computer Animation 1, Computer Animation 2, Digital Imaging 1, Game Design 1, & Game Design 2 all meet the Area F: Visual & Performing Arts requirement.
College Credits: Students in Computer Animation or Game Design that earn a B- or better can earn college credits at Ohlone College.
Course Syllabi:
Course Outlines:
College Credit May be available
76 students earned 228 college credits for the 2023-2024 School Year